
  • BHA 20 Kit

    Sold By: AlumierMD

    A 20% salicylic acid resurfacing peel that improves skin texture by exfoliating dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and within pores. It reduces acne pimples and helps correct skin discoloration.

    A 20% salicylic acid resurfacing peel that improves skin texture by exfoliating dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and within pores. It reduces acne pimples and helps correct skin discoloration.


    6 x 10mL + 60ml / 2fl oz e Brightening Accelerator

  • Retinol Resurfacing Serum 1.0

    Sold By: AlumierMD

    A microencapsulated 1.0% retinol treatment that improves skin tone and texture and reduces the signs of aging.

    Skin Conditions: Aging | Discoloration | Blemish-Prone


    Skin Types: Dry Skin | Combination Skin | Oily Skin


    Retinol Resurfacing Serum 1.0 is a pure potent retinol serum that dramatically improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and skin texture, while evening skin tone. Cutting-edge microencapsulated retinol allows for gradual timed release overnight. By encapsulating the retinol and adding soothing and hydrating ingredients like niacinamide, honey and sodium hyaluronate, maximal results can be achieved in comfort.


    30 mL / 1 fl oz e

  • Retinol Resurfacing Serum 0.5

    Sold By: AlumierMD

    A microencapsulated 0.5% retinol treatment that improves skin tone and texture and reduces the signs of aging.

    Skin Conditions: Aging | Discoloration | Blemish-Prone
    Skin Types: Dry Skin | Oily Skin | Combination Skin


    Retinol Resurfacing Serum 0.5 is a pure potent retinol serum that dramatically improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and skin texture, while evening skin tone. Cutting-edge microencapsulated retinol allows for gradual timed-release overnight. By encapsulating the retinol and adding soothing and hydrating ingredients like niacinamide, honey, and sodium hyaluronate, maximal results can be achieved in comfort.


    30 mL / 1 fl oz e

  • Retinol Resurfacing Serum 0.25

    Sold By: AlumierMD


    A microencapsulated 0.25% pure retinol treatment that improves skin tone and texture and reduces the signs of aging.

    Skin Conditions: Aging | Blemish-Prone | Discoloration
    Skin Types: Dry Skin | Oily Skin | Combination Skin

    Retinol Resurfacing Serum 0.25 is a pure potent retinol serum that dramatically improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and skin texture, while evening skin tone. Cutting-edge microencapsulated retinol allows for gradual timed release overnight. By encapsulating the retinol and adding soothing and hydrating ingredients like niacinamide, honey, and sodium hyaluronate, maximal results can be achieved in comfort.


    30 mL / 1 fl oz

  • CO2RE Intima

    Sold By: Candela Medical

    For women’s health.


    Perform minimally invasive, non-hormonal, energy-based gynecological health treatments – in your office, in as little as 10 minutes.


    Get in contact with your Candela Representative today!

  • eTwo

    Sold By: Candela Medical

    Complete facial rejuvenation through treatment of wrinkles.

    Sublative™ + Sublime™ treatments in one ROI-boosting system.


    Get in contact with your Candela Representative today!

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