Luer lock compatible

  • 22 Gauge 50 mm (2 inch) Microcannulas

    Sold By: FACE Med Store

    By minimizing the pain and discomfort of your injectable aesthetic treatments, you can deliver a better experience that can keep your patients comfortable, satisfied, and loyal to your business. Our microcannulas can help you administer dermal fillers, and many other injectables for different facial and body treatments without the need for repeated injections that can cause discomfort, bleeding, inflammation, and other side effects.


    FACE Med Store offers disposable microcannulas in boxes of 20. Our 22 gauge microcannulas feature a 2-inch cannula tip that can be used for less viscous liquids and gels for facial and body treatments. Each microcannula was made with the highest standards of quality, featuring flexible blunt tips that provide a wider range, efficiency, and performance that can fill in more areas with less time and puncturing necessary.


    Give your patients fast, safe, and visually pleasing results that can increase their satisfaction and build their trust in your practice. By switching from traditional injection treatments to using microcannulas, you can minimize the tissue damage, side effects, and general discomfort associated with minimally-invasive treatments like dermal filler injections for the face and body.


    At FACE Med Store, we offer a wide range of microcannulas available in various gauges and needle lengths. Wider gauges are best for less viscous liquids and gels (such as hyaluronic acid and autologous fat) while longer needles are better for larger treatment areas that need more range. Choose from our microcannulas to find the right one to use for all your available aesthetic treatments. If you’re unsure about which size or length is best for your aesthetic practice, contact FACE Med Store for customer support.



    Comes with a pilot needle.


  • 22 Gauge 70 mm (2.75 inch) Microcannulas

    Sold By: FACE Med Store

    With its wider gauge and lengthy tip, this microcannula provides you with the range to cover larger treatment areas around your patient’s face and body. When you can minimize the number of punctures needed to achieve quality results, you can improve your patient’s experience and your treatment process.


    FACE Med Store offers disposable microcannulas with a wider 22 gauge and a lengthy cannula tip. Our high-quality microcannulas feature a lengthy and flexible surgical-grade stainless steel tip that can reach areas within a 2.75-inch radius from the puncture hole. With its size and length, it’s ideal for treatments like Brazilian butt lifts that use less viscous injectables like autologous fat and hyaluronic acid while filling up larger areas like your buttocks.


    Our microcannulas allow you to provide fast, safe, and visually pleasing results that can impress your clients. By switching from traditional injection treatments to the microcannula technique, you can minimize the puncturing necessary to administer treatment. You can also minimize several side effects like bruising, bleeding, and inflammation as the risk of damaging blood vessels, nerves, and other skin tissue is much lower.


    This microcannula size and length can be ordered in 1 box of 20 sterile, individually-packed units. Choose this for your larger treatments that use less viscous injectables and need to reach larger treatment areas around your patient’s body.


    At FACE Med Store, we also offer microcannulas in different gauges and needle lengths that can affect the quality of treatment you provide. Choose from our range of microcannulas that can handle the viscosity of your injectables and the range needed for your treatment. If you’re unsure about which size or length is best for your aesthetic practice, contact FACE Med Store for customer support.



    Comes with a pilot needle.



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